All Administrative Law Constitutional Law Contract Law Corporate Law Local Government Property Law Public Procurement Administrative Law The Evolution of the Company Secretary in Corporate Law and its Significance for the Governance of your Organisation Corporate Law Understanding The Change To The Earnings Threshold Contract Law To Trust or not to Trust? Local Government Changing marriage laws Local Government Illegal use of residential property Contract Law Invalid deed of sale Contract Law Unlawful lease agreements Contract Law Contractual Dispute Public Procurement Tender not opened in public Public Procurement Tender induced by fraud Administrative Law Settlement agreements Administrative Law Pre-qualification for tenders Constitutional Law Intergovernmental disputes Constitutional Law Evictions and demolitions Property Law Deviation from procurement process Property Law Estate agent’s commission Constitutional Law COVID-19 regulations Constitutional Law The court as referee over government action Administrative Law Market-related price for letting of assets Administrative Law No choice where bidder fails to submit Administrative Law Delay in challenging illegal tender Administrative Law Setting aside a tender Administrative Law Tender cancellation Administrative Law Building plans Administrative Law Validity of contract Administrative Law Review of housing contract Administrative Law Bureaucratic delays Administrative Law Zoning interpretation Administrative Law Municipal services debt Constitutional Law Final interdicts Administrative Law Declaration of toll roads Administrative Law New regulations Administrative Law Hypothec over property Constitutional Law Prescription of claim Constitutional Law Public Protector’s powers Administrative Law Cancellation of tender Administrative Law Time limit for review proceedings Administrative Law Regulation 32 exemption Administrative Law Tender disputes Administrative Law Procurement deviations Administrative Law Tender validity period Constitutional Law Emoluments attachment orders Administrative Law Street trading Administrative Law Political interference Constitutional Law Access to court documents Administrative Law Sale of municipal land Administrative Law Contempt of court Administrative Law Municipal planning decisions Administrative Law Tender pre-evaluation Local Government Proceedings against the state Administrative Law Owner’s liability for municipal services Administrative Law Compliance with formalities Administrative Law Internal remedies Administrative Law Tender awards and internal appeal processes Administrative Law Joint venture agreements for tenders Public Procurement Extension of bid validity periods Corporate Law Business rescue and the position of sureties Administrative Law Power to impose rates on property Administrative Law Collection of rates and taxes Administrative Law Planning Decisions Local Government Demolition of illegal structure Public Procurement Original tax clearance certificate Contract Law Binding Offers Administrative Law Town Planning Scheme Administrative Law Electricity Supply Local Government Property Rates Debt Constitutional Law Farm Occupier’s Improvements Administrative Law Approval of Building Plans Administrative Law On Purchasing Property Looking for a first-class law professional? contact us